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Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

The aim of CSAI is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

From 2017-2022, CSAI conferences were successfully held in Jakarta (Indonesia), Shenzhen, Beijing(China), Beijing(Virtual Conference), Beijing (Hybrid). It features invited keynote speeches, peer-reviewed paper presentations, academic visit, and cultural program.


The accepted papers after peer-review will be published with International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted for indexing in Ei Compendex, Scopus, IET etc. major databases.

"Dreams of Digital Informatic Urbanism" likely refers to a concept or vision for urban development that incorporates digital technologies and information systems to enhance various aspects of city life, including governance, infrastructure, transportation, and public services. Here are some key elements that might be associated with such a concept:

  1. Data-driven decision-making: Cities would collect and analyze vast amounts of data to inform urban planning and policy decisions, leading to more efficient resource allocation and improved services.
  2. Smart infrastructure: Infrastructure systems such as transportation networks, utilities, and waste management would be interconnected and equipped with sensors and automation to optimize performance and reduce environmental impact.
  3. Digital governance: Governments would use digital platforms and tools to engage with citizens, deliver services online, and promote transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.
  4. Inclusive and equitable access: Efforts would be made to ensure that digital technologies are accessible to all residents, bridging the digital divide and promoting social inclusion.
  5. Sustainable development: Digital informatic urbanism would prioritize sustainability, aiming to minimize resource consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance resilience to climate change.
  6. Innovation hubs: Cities embracing digital informatic urbanism may become hubs for innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting tech startups and fostering collaboration between government, industry, and academia.

In today's society, the utilization of technology has become indispensable in addressing human needs. However, alongside its increasing prevalence comes a host of new challenges within democratic processes, as widespread distrust in governmental institutions pervades. Consequently, the significance of elections in modern democracy cannot be overstated, serving as pivotal events that determine the fate of nations and organizations alike. Nevertheless, the pervasive lack of confidence in electoral systems across large swathes of society poses a significant threat to the democratic process.

Even in the world's foremost democracies such as India and the United States, flaws within the electoral system persist. Issues ranging from vote rigging and electronic voting machine hacking to election manipulation and polling booth capturing underscore the pressing need for reform within the current voting paradigm.


The blockchain, characterized as an emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology, holds the potential to revolutionize various industries. One promising application lies in expanding e-voting systems onto blockchain platforms, offering a potential solution to address existing concerns within the electoral process.

Undoubtedly, the dynamic nature of blockchain, serving as the foundational technology behind renowned cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, marks the onset of a new era in internet and online services. While mainstream attention often fixates on cryptocurrencies, it's essential to recognize the broader spectrum of possibilities unlocked by blockchain technology. Its inherent immutability enables the secure migration of numerous operations, spanning administrative tasks to fintech solutions, from offline to online realms. The power of blockchain lies not only in its ability to facilitate secure transactions but also in its incorporation of smart contracts and a myriad of features that transcend traditional systems.

The Smart Contract

Smart contracts are meaningful pieces of codes, to be integrated in the blockchain and executed as scheduled in every step of blockchain updates. E-votin, is another trending, yet critical, topic related to the online services. The blockchain with the smart contracts, emerges as a good candidate to use in developments of safer, cheaper, more secure, more transparent, and easier-to-use e-voting systems.Due to its consistency, widespread use, and provision of smart contracts logic, Ethereum and its network is one of the most suitable ones. An e-voting system must be secure, as it should not allow duplicated votes and be fully transparent, while protecting the privacy of the attendees. In this project, we have implemented and tested an e-voting application as a smart contract for the Ethereum network using the Ethereum and the Solidity language.

Blockchain to bring transparency to elections

Free and transparent elections serve as the bedrock of any democratic society, necessitating the establishment of a robust voting infrastructure. To address longstanding concerns over electoral integrity, leveraging a decentralized platform for polling, counting, and result announcements presents a viable solution.
So, how can we effectively address these issues? Conducting elections on the blockchain offers several advantages:

  1. Tamper-Proof System: By utilizing blockchain technology, the electoral roll becomes immutable, thwarting any attempts at tampering. Blockchain-powered voting devices, replacing traditional EVMs, enable voters to securely input their biometric details, generating a unique hash key for voting authentication.
  2. Data Integrity: The inherent nature of blockchain makes data alteration virtually impossible. Any attempt to manipulate data is easily detectable through the transparent and traceable ledger technology.
  3. Transparency: Stakeholders have access to secure and transparent data, promoting accountability and trust in the electoral process.
  4. Choice of Consensus Mechanism: Selecting the appropriate consensus mechanism is crucial. While Proof of Work may be susceptible to manipulation, Proof of Stake coupled with outsourced protocols could offer robust supervision, ensuring the integrity of elections.
  5. Private vs. Public Blockchain: Employing a private blockchain enhances data confidentiality, crucial for maintaining the secrecy of polling data in multi-phased elections like those in US and India.

By embracing blockchain technology, we can bolster confidence in democratic governance globally. Distributed ledger platforms offer error-free results calculation and ballot reconciliation, facilitating transparent verification of the polling process. Any revisions to polling results are publicly visible and auditable, ensuring accountability and fair outcomes. Independent monitoring and verification further authenticate the legitimacy of election results, fostering trust in the electoral process among citizens.


Implementing blockchain-based e-voting systems holds tremendous promise in addressing the longstanding challenges facing electoral processes worldwide. By leveraging the decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain technology, we can establish a voting infrastructure that ensures integrity, security, and trust in democratic elections. Through tamper-proof systems, data integrity mechanisms, and transparent verification processes, blockchain-based e-voting offers a viable solution to combat electoral fraud, manipulation, and distrust. The use of cryptographic techniques and decentralized consensus mechanisms ensures the immutability and transparency of voting records, safeguarding the sanctity of elections.
Moreover, blockchain technology enables efficient and secure voter authentication, ballot casting, and result tabulation, thereby streamlining the electoral process and enhancing accessibility for voters. The adoption of blockchain-based e-voting not only mitigates the risks associated with traditional voting systems but also fosters greater participation and engagement in democratic governance.
Overall, the transition to blockchain-based e-voting represents a significant step towards building a more inclusive, transparent, and resilient electoral infrastructure, ultimately reinforcing the foundations of democracy in the digital age.

Web3 Domains and Decentralized Websites: Building the Next Web

By Ariesto Hadi Sutopo
November 1, 2023


Building Web3 Website

Building a website for Web3, which typically involves integrating blockchain and decentralized technologies, requires a good understanding of web development and blockchain concepts. Building a Web3 website is a complex process that combines traditional web development with blockchain and decentralized technologies. It’s essential to stay updated with the latest developments in the blockchain space and continuously improve your project to provide a secure and user-friendly experience.

Building Website with Unstoppable Domain
Building a website with Unstoppable Domains involves creating a decentralized, blockchain-based website stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Unstoppable Domains simplifies setting up a blockchain domain and associating it with your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Get a Blockchain Domain:
Purchase a blockchain domain from the Unstoppable Domains website. You can choose from domain extensions like .crypto, .zil, and others. Set up a domain that aligns with your website’s purpose.

2. Choose a Wallet:
To associate your domain with a website, you’ll need a cryptocurrency wallet that supports blockchain domain management. Some popular options include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and MyEtherWallet.

3. Claim Your Domain:
Look for the Unstoppable Domains dApp (Decentralized Application) in your cryptocurrency wallet. You can claim the domain you purchased by paying the associated gas fees.

4. Set Up the IPFS Website:
Develop your website or create a web page you want to host on IPFS. Your website should be in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

5. Host on IPFS:
Use IPFS to host your website content. There are several ways to do this, and many IPFS hosting services are available. You can upload your website files using the IPFS desktop app or the command-line interface (CLI). Make sure your website files are correctly pinned to IPFS.

6. Link Your Domain:
Return to your cryptocurrency wallet’s Unstoppable Domains dApp. In the dApp, you can link your blockchain domain to the IPFS hash of your website. This creates a connection between your domain and the hosted website files.

7. Publish and Access:
Once the domain is linked to your IPFS-hosted website, it becomes accessible through a web browser that supports decentralized websites. Users can visit your website by entering your blockchain domain in a compatible browser.

Web3 page with extension .nft

Metaverse Adventure

An avatar in Bali traditional village

Cryptocurrencies are the money of the virtual world, and are therefore necessary to buy land, art, clothes or even experiences. In this way, a property in the metaverse can increase or decrease in value just as it does in the real world. In addition, major luxury brands such as Balenciaga, Gucci and Louis Vuitton have already entered this new dimension.

In this context, metaverse and cryptocurrencies function just like official currencies and the physical world. And although the transactions are virtual, the acquisition of virtual currency is the result of a purchase or sale transaction with real currency. Cryptocurrencies serve as the digital currencies within the Metaverse, facilitating seamless and secure transactions between users. They enable the tokenization of assets, such as virtual real estate digital collectibles and avatars, through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

As Melisa’s avatar arrives in Penglipuran Traditional Village, a sense of serenity and enchantment washes over her. The virtual landscape is a visual feast of lush greenery, traditional Balinese architecture, and a tranquil atmosphere that transports her to a world untouched by time. The village exudes a harmonious blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, captivating her senses at every turn. Penglipuran Village is nestled in the heart of Bali, Indonesia, surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque landscapes. Located in the Bangli Regency, this traditional village is known for its pristine beauty and well-preserved Balinese culture..

Cultural traditions of monogamy

One significant aspect of the culture is the practice of monogamy, which is deeply rooted in the values and beliefs. Monogamy is highly valued in the community and serves as the foundation for strong family structures. It signifies commitment, loyalty, and the importance of building long-lasting relationships. The ancestors believed that a harmonious family unit contributes to the overall harmony of the village.
Despite the changing world, the villagers continue to uphold the tradition of monogamy. It is a shared understanding among the people that having a faithful and committed partner strengthens the bonds within families and ensures the well-being of future generations. They emphasize open communication, trust, and mutual respect as essential elements of a successful marriage.

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