Editorial Team

Hadi Sutopo - Topazart, Indonesia, Scopus

Jianjun Li - Hangzhou Dianzi University, China, Scopus
Michael Sega Gumelar - BubleGumelar, Indonesia
Santosh Ray - Khawarizmi International College, United Arab Emirates, Scopus
Vicky Septian Ananta Noer - Kalbis Institute, Indonesia
Roselia C. Morco - Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines, Scopus

Tarun Kulshrestha - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Scopus
Dongkun Han - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Scopus
Betha Almanfaluthi - Kalbis Institute, Indonesia
Shohreh Hashemi, University of Houston Downtown, USA
Sandra Miranda, Leal Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Layout Editor:
Adellia Mariskha Nugraha - Topazart, Indonesia