Visualizing the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm using Adobe Animate


  • Monica Troka University of Almeria


DDA algorithm, graphic primitive, image, visualization


This research presents an innovative approach to visualizing the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm using Adobe Animate, a versatile tool known for its animation and graphics capabilities. The Digital Differential Analyzer is a fundamental algorithm in computer graphics, and our work focuses on creating an engaging and educational visualization that demystifies its step-by-step execution.The project begins by designing a comprehensive storyboard that outlines the key components and stages of the DDA algorithm. Leveraging Adobe Animate’s user-friendly interface, we implement frame-by-frame animations that dynamically illustrate the algorithm’s progression. Each frame depicts a specific step in the DDA process, with graphical elements representing points, lines, and the calculated variables involved in drawing a line.The visualization incorporates interactive elements, allowing users to control parameters such as slope and starting coordinates. By utilizing Adobe Animate’s scripting capabilities, we enable real-time updates and dynamic feedback, enhancing user engagement and understanding. The inclusion of sliders, buttons, and dynamic text labels empowers users to actively manipulate and observe the algorithm in action.


