International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence 2024-02-05T05:19:50+00:00 Hadi Sutopo Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence (IJETAI) </strong>is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all educational technology and artificial intelligence areas. This journal aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on understanding recent developments in this area and establishing new collaborations in these areas. It aims to provide an international forum to exchange ideas and findings from researchers across different fields and encourages research on artificial intelligence and educational technology, including theory and practice. It also seeks to promote knowledge transfer between professionals in academia and industry by emphasizing research in which results are of interest or applicable to design practices.</p> <p>The journal invites professionals in the world of education, research, entrepreneurship, and industries to participate in disseminating ideas, concepts, new theories of science development in educational technology and artificial intelligence.</p> <p><strong>Frequency:</strong> Semiannual (February - August)<br /><strong>Areas Covered:</strong> Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence<br /><strong>Language:</strong> English</p> <p><strong>ISSN</strong> 2964-5387 (online)</p> Visualizing the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm using Adobe Animate 2024-02-05T01:52:02+00:00 Monica Troka <p>This research presents an innovative approach to visualizing the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm using Adobe Animate, a versatile tool known for its animation and graphics capabilities. The Digital Differential Analyzer is a fundamental algorithm in computer graphics, and our work focuses on creating an engaging and educational visualization that demystifies its step-by-step execution.The project begins by designing a comprehensive storyboard that outlines the key components and stages of the DDA algorithm. Leveraging Adobe Animate’s user-friendly interface, we implement frame-by-frame animations that dynamically illustrate the algorithm’s progression. Each frame depicts a specific step in the DDA process, with graphical elements representing points, lines, and the calculated variables involved in drawing a line.The visualization incorporates interactive elements, allowing users to control parameters such as slope and starting coordinates. By utilizing Adobe Animate’s scripting capabilities, we enable real-time updates and dynamic feedback, enhancing user engagement and understanding. The inclusion of sliders, buttons, and dynamic text labels empowers users to actively manipulate and observe the algorithm in action.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence Analysis of Determining Superior Products Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) East Belitung Regency Using Combination of AHP and SMART Methods 2024-02-05T02:21:09+00:00 Siti Nurjanah Abdul Rachim Roy Haris Oktabian Harjum Muharam <p>COVID-19 pandemic has affected economies globally and how these effects could potentially apply to a region like East Belitung. The determination of superior products for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of East Belitung Regency aims to encourage the acceleration of the growth of economic businesses based on the potential of local resources in order to create jobs and increase community income. The determination of the leading product is carried out in two steps, namely through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weight of 12 criteria that have been determined by East Belitung Regency Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2021 and then determine the ranking of leading products using the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method. The resources used are the results of interviews and questionnaires distributed to parties who are experts in the development of MSMEs, both internal to the Regional Government and external to the MSME Development Group. The results showed that pepper products have the potential to become the flagship product of East Belitung Regency MSMEs so that it needs to be determined through a Regent Decree as mandated by the Regional Regulation.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence Webtoon Design with Alternative Universe Theme 2024-02-05T02:36:00+00:00 Aulia Humaira Muchsin Vicky Septian Rachman <p>With the development of technology, comics can be accessed anywhere and anytime with various devices and sites. Comic artists no longer have to rely on publishers to publish their work. Many companies are also updating their products from changing their brand look to providing the new product to a new platform. Webtoon os an online comic platform that has become popular with its application and website. Even though it looks like it wont make any profit, Webtoon has become a platform for novice and advanced comic artist to earn income from becoming a brand ambassador. On the Webtoon platform there are many comic genres, one of the popular genres is the alternative universe where the new original characters enters a world that already exist such as the world of a film or comic. This design aims to explore characters and develop alternative universe genres in webtoon comics that are interesting for readers on online platforms.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence Developing Visualization for Learning Algorithm: Decimal to Binary Visualization 2024-02-05T02:57:31+00:00 Minze Xiao Yuan Chang <p>This research presents an innovative approach to visualizing the decimal to binary conversion algorithm using Adobe Animate, a versatile tool known for its animation and graphics capabilities. The Digital Dif-ferential Analyzer is a fundamental algorithm in computer graphics, and our work focuses on creating an engaging and educational visualization that demystifies its step-by-step execution. The project begins by designing algorithm that outlines the key components and stages of the decimal to binary conversion algorithm. Leveraging Adobe Animate’s user-friendly interface, we implement frame-by-frame animations that dynamically illustrate the algorithm’s progression. Each frame depicts a specific step in the conver-sion process, with of binary animation of bits. The visualization incorporates interactive elements, allow-ing users to control parameters such a decimal input. By utilizing Adobe Animate’s scripting capabilities, we enable real-time updates and dynamic conversion results, enhancing user engagement and under-standing. The inclusion of sliders, buttons, and dynamic text labels empowers users to actively manipu-late and observe the algorithm in action. Summarizing the key findings and emphasizing the importance of visualizing binary numbers in algorithm education. Encouraging educators to adopt these methods to make algorithmic concepts more accessible and enjoyable for students.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence Assessing Character Education in Higher Education: A Qualitative Case Study Utilizing NVivo for Data Analysis 2024-02-05T03:15:58+00:00 Nurliani Siregar Hisar Siregar <p>Character education is a fundamental component of higher education, contributing to the holistic development of students and their readiness for ethical decision-making in an increasingly complex world. This study presents a qualitative case study evaluation of character education programs within a university setting. The research employs NVivo, a powerful data processing tool, to analyze and interpret the rich qualitative data collected. By examining the multifaceted dimensions of character education, the study explores its impact, effectiveness, and challenges in its implementation. Findings provide insights into how character education shapes students’ values, behaviors, and ethical perspectives. The study also sheds light on the strategies employed by the university to foster character development. The research findings offer valuable perspectives for higher education institutions committed to cultivating character education as an integral part of their academic mission.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence Developing Game-based Learning on Unity in Diversity using GameMaker Studio 2024-02-05T03:32:23+00:00 Hisar Siregar Nurliani Siregar <p>Learning “Unity in Diversity” is hard to implement. Students are bored with what the teacher says. Learning is not enjoyable, especially for the young generation. In an increasingly diverse world, fostering an understanding and appreciation of different cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds is paramount. This article introduces the development of a game-based learning approach to promote diversity education, using GameMaker Studio as the primary development tool. With the potential to reach and engage a broad audience, game-based learning offers a unique platform to explore and celebrate diversity. This article outlines the critical components of the development process, from conceptualization to implementation, highlighting the advantages of using GameMaker Studio. The article discusses the significance of incorporating technology and gamification into diversity education and offers insights into the practical implementation of such educational games. Developing the application, the researcher conducts qualitative approaches to the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC), which contains six stages: initiation, pre-production, production, testing, beta, and release. It is the utmost hope that the new game-based earning model could facilitate more accessible, more fun, and exciting things, especially for youth. Research findings show that mobile-based learning, including games, are the most feasible model to be implemented.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence